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- Subject: Re: Shortcut Manager
- Date: Thu, 2 Jun 1994 13:57:58 +0200 (MDT)
- In-Reply-To: <C2FBA41920@edi.ngate.uni-regensburg.de> from "Rainer Riedl" at Jun 1, 94 04:16:05 pm
- From: Annius.Groenink@cwi.nl (Annius Groenink)
- X-Face: "E3Hm]k]&:,OEP<{D2ixJf>-9[qOGLebNa0&cQyFL-a~)kTM3&&I"gFw=fJ]K%1IduGjOE`
- ZGu]&~G]QNGa7i/L!+#Xng<|+}HKYHj~5?fTInUEUh0$I1gBI7jrA!&_|e/pR1[cX:^xgJTPsrjA_9
- m8Zli[|.-u{]+c1(6C7mL*m`/_J\>.{4!:g
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Precedence: bulk
- > > You've got yours on a floppy disk, insert it. Open Shortcuts in the
- > > Desk menu. Load your configuration. And all applications will use your
- > > codes.
- > Always carrying a disk with me?
- OK, we'll make it a chip card :-). Yeah sure, always carrying a disk
- with you, just like your ID. I always have disks with me; don't know
- about you?
- > > That's why I suggested a wind_get or cookie call instead of the fishy
- > > resource editing stuff: you can make changes globally. Now if you add
- > > some kind of separation between types of application (editor, word, graphics,
- > > compiler) then all applications should be happy as well).
- >
- > Not all Atarians are 'Power User'. Don't forget about those (poor), who
- > working with a floppy disk and 1MB RAM.
- :-) To be perfectly honest, the stubborn who are still working
- with THAT I don't give a single damn about. Sorry. Oops,
- please forget I said this...
- > All programms should be work with
- > these machines too. An advantage of TOS is the easy use. 'Power User' like
- > we are, certenly will like this features, but I know a lot of users, that
- > are happy, that they can 'doubleclick and work' and don't have to do a lot of
- > setups like for example in Windows.
- There's a point in what you're saying here, but then: as the discussion
- is going today it seems that we prefer a kind of file KEYBIND.INF in the
- root directory of C:\ (or A:\) and read that on a per-application basis.
- In that case there are two solutions for disk-based people:
- 1. Don't include the file and live happily with the Ofir shortcuts
- 2. Include the file and put in the root of your floppy disk
- Only the EDITING of that ASCII file, just like the editing of ASSIGN.SYS
- would definitely profit from a dedicated GEM-based editor.
- One mistake we must not make is to make the file definition case sensitive,
- like the X resource files.
- --
- Annius V. Groenink | E-mail: avg@cwi.nl | Private & ZFC:
- CWI, Kruislaan 413 | Room: M233 | P.O. Box 12079
- 1098 SJ Amsterdam | Ext: 4077 | NL 1100 AB Amsterdam
- Netherland | Phone: +31 20 592 4077 | Phone: +31 20 695 9901